Doing Breck Epic Shit - Breck Epic 2018 - Act II
How do you summarize 6 days of racing in one epic (blog post)? You don't. It was getting to be too long so I decided to split it to 2 posts. This also gave me the opportunity to include more photos, which is always good. Now ... Back with Act II , sorry for the long intermission but life got in the way again. If you missed Act I , you can read it here . Where is the trail? Are we there yet? Almost at the top of Miners Pass on Stage 5 Verse 4 - Dead last and lesson learned Aqueduct 44 miles, 6300′ (~6,000' according to my Garmin) Day 4 is the longest day and I remembered it to be long, hard but fun day with great views and single tracks. I did this section of the race as part of the Breck-curious version in 2016 and rode the last 3 days. After 3 days of hard riding I was actually looking forward to something more familiar, or so I though. Stage 4 starts with a climb. I know shocking, right? Considering the fact that we are talking about a rac...