The Freedom to Run - Running is Freedom - Tips on Running in New Places
Red Bull gives you wings, at least that's what the commercial say. Perhaps it's true, I don't know, as the Vodka that is mixed in usually creates the opposite effect on me. Running, however, gives me just that - wings, I mean. The freedom to discover new places, to disconnect from reality, find my zen moments. Finding the balance between the crazy pace of life in general and my work travel schedule. Those moments of sanity come among the different time zones, geographies and cultures that my work takes me to. For a billion Chinese, 2016 was the year of the Monkey, for me it was the year of the Travel. At least once a month, and in most twice - I found myself packing my suitcase and heading to the airport. Traveling for work is fun, at least in the beginning, but soon after it becomes just another routine, or more like routine killer. Messing up the day-to-day routine and even worse my training routine. So how do I maintain my training routine in my non-routinish life? ...