The Last of the Mohicans (or Almost Last)
My article "The Last of the Mohicans" was published on BikePanel yesterday. Like my other articles I translate it to English (with some changes) for my blog. All the photos that were not taken by me are the same as the ones used in the article and are posted at the courtesy of Butch Phillips the event photographer who graciously shares some of his event photos with me. This post is way way overdue, but I was waiting for the article to be posted. The Last of the Mohicans (or Almost Last) The La Ruta experience (that I wrote about back in June) brought back memories of how much I love riding my mountain bike, the epic trips to the desert, the black and blue bruises (well, didn't really miss those, but they come as part of the deal ;-). So, I decided to do something about it, and try to incorporate into my already busy race schedule of triathlons and road rides some mountainbiking as well. I signed up for the Mohican 100 , a one day marathon mountain bike ride that tak...