
Showing posts from June, 2015

To Go Or Not to Go, That Is The Question

To Go or Not to Go Last Sunday, June 14, was supposed to be me my 12th half ironman race, Grand Rapids Half Ironman. I was ready, I was semi tapered and I was there! I was there, in fact I almost got to the transition area but I decided to turn around and not start. Why? I still ask myself the same question. Did I make the right decision? It seemed so at that time, but as the day progressed I wasn't so sure. So what happened, why did I not start? I got to Grand Rapid on Friday night ready to race. On Saturday I followed my usual (or almost usual pre-race routine). I opened the day with a short open water swim. Despite the grey sky and the light rain, I got it done (although not without hesitation before going into the cold water). Saturday Open Water Swim Practice The swim went well and I felt good for the race the following day. Getting out of the water, I got very cold and decided to skip the run in favor of going back to the hotel and warming up. The weather wa...

La Ruta de los Conquistadores - Part II

Part II of my article about my experience riding La Ruta  in Costa Rica was published this January in BikePanel . After translating Part I and posting it here , I am translating Part II to English (again with some changes and add-ons of sections that were editorially cut). Photos that were not taken by me are the same photos that were used in my article and were provided by La Rute and Fotica. I have added to this version some videos that I took and some other pictures. Tod Welsh, Day II Start Line   (photo  Fotica) Plan B - If I Wanted to Walk I Would Have Signed Up for a Hiking Trip or La Ruta Day II About one week before our flight to Costa Rica we heard that the Turrialba volcano, the same volcano that the second day course passes through, has become active after 180 year of inactivity. Unfortunate for us; as this day was supposed to be THE DAY when it comes to breathtaking views and was supposed to provide us with the rare opportunity to ride th...

La Ruta de los Conquistadores - Part I

Day 3 - on the Railroad Bridges (Photo Fotica) My article about my experience riding LA RUTA DE LOS CONQUISTADORES in Costa Rica was published this January in BikePanel . I am translating it to English (with some changes and add-ons of sections that were editorially cut). Photos that were not taken by me, are the same photos that were used in my article and were provided by La Rute and Fotica. La Ruta - the race that claims to be the toughest in the world - is this the case? Like most of my crazy ideas in the past, it is likely that I first read about La Ruta in BikePanel or some other Israeli magazine and caught the bug. Next step was organizing a group of 8 local riders, of which 6 were women. Almost every person that I told about this race being my next challenge, raised an eyebrow and looking at me funny, probably thinking to themselves "why would this triathlete from flat Chicago decide to sign up for a race that claims to be the hardest Mountainbiking race in t...