Thoughts About Watts Obsession and One Fun Ride
Intensity Ride at VQ My new Forefunner 920XT Let's start with a confession. Yes, I love gadgets, I love them so much that I find it really hard to just go for a run or a ride without them. Yes, I love my Garmin(s) and recently I upgraded my toys to the latest models (the 920XT and Edge 1000), thank you CleverTraining for this :-) So I guess this is how it all begins ... For the past 2 years I have been training with a coach and to make my training more effective I even got a power meter installed on my bike. My indoor trainer rides are on a computrainer so I get the power reading there as well. Having a coach and riding with power basically mean that every cycling workout is driven by staying/reaching certain power zones (very basic explanation, I know, but more detailed one is beyond my point in this post). My training is focused on improving my lactate threshold, my VO2 max, my endurance, and so forth. It seems to me that it's all about the ...